Counter Lines

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Global Confectionery stocks a huge range of wholesale confectionery counter lines. With brands like Barratt, Chupa Chups, Fyna, Jolly Rancher, Lolliland, Nerd, Rowntree, and Trolli, you’ll find all the classic, fun and novelty confectionery your customers crave.

Our range includes Fizzers – a chewy wrapped lolly stick with flavours that fizz in your mouth, including:

Fizzer Grape Fizzer Creamy Soda
Fizzer Sour Strawberry

We stock the classic and much loved Chupa Chup lollipop in a chewable candy. Enjoy:

Chupa Chup Chew Cola Chupa Chup Chew Strawberry
Chupa Chup Sour Bites Chupa Chup Cherry Stix
Chupa Chup Cotton Candy Gum

Our other wholesale confectionery lines include Aussie favourites:

Ovalteenies Rowntree Fruit Pastiles
Fyna Fads Wizz Fizz
Sherbet Cones

We also stock a range of U.S confectionery, including Fluff, Jolly Rancher and Kool-Aid. Our UK counter lines include Millions.

To see our complete range, sign up as a wholesale customer to browse and order online.