Travel Tins

Tins filled with a selection of sweets are not only a convenient way to carry sweets. They are ideal to give as a gift and can be used for storing things when they are finished. The airtight tin developed in the 1950s as a way to keep sweets fresh.

Tins of sweets allow people to take their favourite confection with them, stowing them in a bag, pocket, or in the car. Many people prefer the experience of consuming sweets from a tin, rather than plastic or paper packaging. They prefer the visual appeal and tactile experience of opening and selecting an individual sweet. As a result, fans of travel tins tend to remain loyal for many years.

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Global Confectionery stocks a selection of quality confectionery in travel tins from Cavendish & Harvey, and Barkley’s.

Barkley’s selection of mints are perfect for those who enjoy mints the traditional way – straight from a tin. Barkley’s describe their mints as ‘tastefully intense’, and use only the finest ingredients, including premium quality peppermint oil. Global Confectionery stocks the following Barkely’s selection:

Aniseed Mints Tin Choc Cinnamon Mints Tin
Choc Mints Tin Cinnamon & Apple Mints Tin
Cinnamon Mints Tin Ginger & Orange Mints Tin
Ginger Mints Tin Intense Mini Peppermints Tin
Licorice Mints Tin Pepper & Peach Tin
Peppermint Mints Tin Licorice Pellets Tin
Spearmint Mints Tin Wintergreen Mints Tin

Cavendish & Harvey have been making confectionery since 1932, and making tins of travel sweets since the 1970s. Their small bronze tins filled with traditional confectionery like Butterscotch, Mixed fruit and Licorice Drops, are synonymous with travel. Global Confectionery stocks a range of Cavendish & Harvey travel tins for our wholesale customers. Our selection includes:

Barley Sugar Tins Butterscotch Tins
Fruit Tins Cola Drops Tins
Licorice Drops Tins Mixed Fruit Tins
Raspberry & Peach Tins Cherry Tins
Tropical Tins Wild Berry Tins
Sugar Free Mixed Fruit Tins Sugar Free Tropical Tins
Sugar Free Wild Berry Tins

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