
If you thought bubblegum was a modern invention, you’d be wrong. In fact, some would have it that it was the Mayan’s that were chewing gum first. Regardless, chewing bubblegum is a quintessential part of pop and youth culture, and its bubble of influence has spread steadily around the globe. Whether it’s blowing big bubbles or giving attitude, you’re never too old to walk and chew gum.

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Global Confectionery stocks a comprehensive range of bubblegum brands and flavours for our wholesale customers. From Airheads and Barratt to Hubba Bubba, you’ll find all your favourite wholesale bubblegum right here.

Our wholesale lolly shop sells:

Airheads Blue Raspberry Gum Airheads Blue Raspberry Lemonade Gum
Airheads Watermelon Gum Barratt Anglo Bubbly
Big League Chew Apple Big League Cotton Candy
Big League Chew Raspberry Big League Chew Strawberry
Big League Chew Watermelon Gold Nugget Bubblegum
Hubba Bubba Grape Hubba Bubba Original
Hubba Bubba Strawberry Hubba Bubba Tape Grape
Hubba Bubba Tape Original Hubba Bubba Tape Sour Blue Raspberry
Mile Long Bubblegum Super Tattoo Gum
Vidal Fizz Gum Balls Vidal Fizz Gum Bullets

Join our wholesale community to browse the full range of wholesale bubblegum and order online.